Thursday 23 August 2012

Expect unexpected. 

Little advice: do not post on CouchSurfing that two girls are going to India and need a place to stay. You may find that 80% of people that reply are: males, aged 25-50, single and looking for wife (or two) and offering more than free accommodation:)

So guys, you may want to know how we are doing. We are terrified:) so many things to do and no time! Its our last week before departure, our visas are not ready yet (it happened to be more than 14 days), no hostels yet... BUT we got plan where to go and what to see. Last week I met with my friend and she told me so many amazing stories about India, their culture, food, people... and places to visit. She added Pondicherry and (very interesting) Auroville to our list. 


Expect unexpected, czyli spodziewaj sie niespodziewanego. Jesli myslisz ze widziales wszystko - mylisz sie:) i wlasnie z takim nastawieniem chce jechac do Indii. Bede miec oczy w okol glowy a i tak napewno mnie cos zaskoczy. Zupelnie tak, jak oferty malzenskie ktore otrzymala Aga zaraz po rejestracji na indyjski CouchSurfing. Tak wiec jak szukacie meza, zyciowego partnera badz przygody: rejestracja jest za free a wiele profili przyszlego kochanka ma zdjecia. Drogie panie, zapewniam ze jest w czym wybierac! 

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